Segera daftar ke program Paypal Wishlist yang saat ini sedang berlangsung & Anda akan langsung dapat earning $1. Mau lebih banyak ? Bisa kok, caranya mudah,hanya referensikan saja program itu ke teman-teman Anda dan untuk setiap teman Anda yang mendaftar Anda akan dapat $1.Lumayan kan? Apalagi bila yang daftar 100 orang, kan bisa dapat $100, kurang lebih=Rp1000.0000,-(Sejuta Rupiah!!!)
langkah-langkah Pendaftaran PayPal Wishlist:
1. Login dulu ke akun Anda.
2. Klik halaman promosi
PayPal Wishlist
3. Ketik alamat email Paypal Anda (yang valid & telah diverifikasi) pada menu form di sebelah kiri atas. (Di sana tertulis Enter Email Address).
**** Jika belum punya Paypal account, daftar gratis dulu di Paypal.Com lalu lakukan proses verifikasi menggunakan kartu kredit atau Virtual Credit Card/VCC.
4. Tekan tombol Create Wishlist. Kemudian, Anda dapat men-share program Paypal Wishlist ini di status Facebook pada teman-teman Anda.
UPDATE:informasi yang diterjemahkan dari Terms & Condition PayPal Wishlist:
Syarat-syarat ikut program promosi:
* Daftar ke program Paypal Wishlist di batas waktu : mulai tgl 16 November 2009 s/d 31 Desember 2009.
* Sudah punya akun Paypal, atau baru saja registrasi akun Paypal baru, dan mendaftarkannya ke program Paypal Wishlist.
* Berusia minimal 18 thn & alamat akun Paypal Anda terdaftar di Malaysia, Korea, India, Thailand, Vietnam,Indonesia, Philippines, atau Singapore.
* Akun Paypal Anda harus dalam keadaan Good Standing selama masa promosi program berlangsung. Artinya tidak di-hold atau di-suspend. Ini juga berarti akun PayPal Anda harus dalam keadaan sudah diverifikasi (artinya sudah terdaftar berdasarkan Credit Card atau Virtual Credit Card/VCC)
* Punya akun facebook dengan daftar Paypal Wishlist dan mempromosikannya.
Promosi Paypal Wishlist ini cuma untuk 8 negara tersebut di atas, pendaftaran yang tidak memenuhi syarat lokasi negara secara otomatis tidak diperhitungkan dalam perolehan earning.Tapi, proses seleksi penghasilan dari referral-referral yang tidak memenuhi syarat lokasi negara tsb baru akan dilakukan di akhir periode. Maka bisa saja uang yang Anda peroleh lebih kecil daripada yang tercantum di kotak “You’ve earned”.
Total $ dari referrals yang Anda peroleh, diserahkan pada Anda, tgl 28 Februari 2010, via email Paypal yang Anda daftarkan selambat-lambatnya tanggal 28 Februari 2010.Juga Sign up bonus PayPal Wishlist Anda, akan diberikan ke akun PayPal Anda selambat-lambatnya pada tanggal tersebut.
Satu syarat lagi untuk mengambil uang ini adalah login ke Paypal Anda dalam tenggang 30 hari sebelum batas waktu 28 Februari 2010,jika tidak login dalam tenggang ini, earning Anda akan dibatalkan. Dengan kata lain, setidaknya loginlah ke akun Paypal Anda setidaknya sekali dalam bulan Februari 2010.
Link referral Paypal Wishlist Anda:
Format referral link Paypal Wishlist adalah sebagai berikut:
Ketahui UserID_Facebook_Anda, Login ke halaman Profile Facebook Anda, cari HTML-nya (Jika anda pakai browser Firefox: klik kanan – View Page Source), lalu cari kata “user:” (tanpa tanda petik). Angka di sebelah kata tsb adalah nomer atau user ID Facebook Anda.
Source: Tribute to :my friends who e-mail me this
=====================================================================================Surprise, surprise from PayPal.
Now, the list to Wishlist Paypal programs are currently taking place & you will immediately be earning $ 1. Want more than 1$? You can get more than that easyly, just refer the program to your friends and for every friend that sign up you will get $ 1 added to your PayPal account .Nice, hah? Especially when you get the list of 100 people, you can get $ 100,more or less = Rp1000.0000, - (A Million Rupiahs!)
Registration steps of PayPal Wishlist:
1. Login to your account.
2. Click the campaign page
PayPal Wishlist
3. Type in your Paypal email address (valid & verified) to form the menu at top left. (There is written Enter Email Address).
**** If you do not have a Paypal account, sign up to Paypal.Com and do the verification process using a credit card or a Virtual Credit Card / VCC.
4. Click the Create button Wishlist. Then, you can share this Wishlist Paypal programs in Facebook status to your friends.
UPDATE: translated information from PayPal's Terms & Conditions Wishlist:
The requirements of the promotion programs:
* Subscribe to Wishlist Paypal programs at a time: start date 16 November 2009 to 31 December 2009.
* Already have a Paypal account, or just register your new Paypal account, and then register to Wishlist Paypal programs.
* Your age at least 18 years old & address of your Paypal account is registered in Malaysia, Korea, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, or Singapore.
* Your Paypal account must be in Good Standing during the promotion program. That means not on-hold or in-suspend. This also means that your PayPal account must be in a state have been verified (that is already registered by Credit Card or Virtual Credit Card / VCC)
* Have a facebook account with Paypal Wishlist and promote it.
Paypal Wishlist promotion is only for 8 countries mentioned above,non eligible country location are not automatically calculated in earning.But, there will be the selection process from referral earnings-referrals that do not qualify will be elliminated at the end of the period. So it will be possible that the money you earn less than that listed in the box "You've earned".
Total $ from referrals you get, delivered to you on February 28, 2010, via the Paypal email that you register no later than February 28 ,2010.Also,your own Sign up bonus PayPal Wishlist will be given to PayPal the latest on that date.
One more condition to get this money is to log into your Paypal within 30-day grace period before the deadline February 28, 2010, if you will not log in this grace period, your earnings will be canceled. In other words, at least do login into your Paypal account at least once in the month of February 2010.
How to Find Your Paypal Wishlist referral link :
The Format of Paypal Wishlist referral link is as follows:
Try to know your Facebook UserID, Login to your Facebook Profile page, look for HTML (If you use Firefox browser: right click - View Page Source), then look for the word "user:" (without the quotes). The number next to the word , will be a number or your Facebook user ID.